Coordenadas GPS : Longitud : 2.233 Latitud : 44.0123
Dirección :
Au Nord-Est d'ALBI, sur la D 91entre Carmaux et Réquista. Aire sur la place, en face la Mairie au centre du village. Parking et service gratuit
81000 Valderies
Clase de área : Área municipal GRATUITA
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Todavía no se ha informado de lugares para visitar cerca de esta área.
Natalie [ip xxx.x78.78.95] ha escrito el 19.07.2013 à 14:00:42 :
Loved this spot next to the sports field. Quiet and shady under the trees. Great showers and washing facilites. Very clean and tidy. BBQ area that even has sticks and newspaper handy. If you walk up to the town square there is a very good boulangerie and a little grocery shop. Friendly and helpful locals.
Natalie [ip xxx.x78.78.95] ha escrito el 19.07.2013 à 14:01:21 :
Loved this spot next to the sports field. Quiet and shady under the trees. Great showers and washing facilites. Very clean and tidy. BBQ area that even has sticks and newspaper handy. If you walk up to the town square there is a very good boulangerie and a little grocery shop. Friendly and helpful locals.
MOTORS GATE, au Capital de 5000 € , SIRET N° 531322998 R.C.S. Orleans
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